The Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register is a public list that investors in Luxembourg can use to look up information. It has all of the important information about traders and corporations that, by law, must be shared after a company is successfully formed. All of the published information helps to identify the trader. This includes specific business information like a company’s articles of association, provisions, rules of procedure, the liability of directors and offices, and company accounts. The amount of information that a corporation must share with the public will depend on a number of things, such as its legal structure, size, and business sector. All new companies in Luxembourg must be registered with it, and their articles of association must be filed right away, either in full or in an extract, depending on the legal form of the corporation.
Luxembourg Businesses that need to be registered
- Commercial companies.
- Groups with economic interests.
- Groups of economic interests in Europe (EEIGs).
- Companies that do business set up subsidiaries in Luxembourg.
- Civil companies.
- Foundations.
- Agricultural associations.
- Associations for pensions and savings.
- State and municipal-run public sector enterprises.
- Mutual insurance associations.
- Mutual investment funds.
- Partnerships with limited liability.
The steps taken to register a company
The following steps are necessary:
Company name availability
A Luxembourg corporation must have a unique trade or business name that is not the same as or similar to the names of other Luxembourg companies. Investors can find out if a company name is available by sending a request to the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register for a certificate that confirms the name is available. They have a filing help office where people can make an appointment to file private deeds. There will be an extra fee if you file in person. Articles of association that have been properly signed and privately certified can be filed electronically with the Luxembourg Trades and Companies Register using a certificate up to one month after the articles have been signed.
Sign up for the company
No later than one month after the articles of association are signed, the constitution must be filed electronically and made public. Once the registration is done, the person who signed up will get an electronic receipt. Also, the instrument of the constitution will be published on the Electronic Compendium of Companies and Associations on the day of the failing or on the day set by the applicant at the time of filing, which should be within 15 days of the date of filing. After the constitution is made public, all of its other parts will automatically be legally binding on third parties.
Other ways to register your company
In Luxembourg, you do not have to get a business license to register a company and file articles of association. If the planned business activity, on the other hand, needs a business permit, it is best to ensure that the person in charge of running and managing the business meets the basic legal requirements. After registering with the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register, a company must go to the registration duties, Estate, and VAT authority office to register for Value Added Tax. Any changes to a company’s articles of association must be written down, and the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register must be notified.
To meet the requirements for registering a company in Luxembourg, you need a skilled business consulting firm to help you through the whole process.
Costs to register a company in Luxembourg
A Luxembourg company can be registered and filed online, but the fees can also be paid in cash at the Luxembourg Business Registers office. A filing fee will be added to registering a company at the Luxembourg Business Registers. It costs EUR 20 to register associations that don’t make money, businesses run by individuals, foundations, and agricultural associations. Other types of company structures cost EUR 10. EUR 80 for all other documents a company needs to file before it is registered.