Swaziland Is one of the smallest countries in Africa. Corporation in Swaziland takes roughly 61 days as compared to about 46 days for the sub-Saharan Africa region. If you’re planning to register a company in Eswatini and open a commercial account with an Eswatini ban Start a business. This piece outlines the general specialized procedures for starting a company in Swaziland, according to the theDoingbusiness.org database by the World Bank. It includes details and conditions to be in good standing with all applicable agencies beyond the company register like social security agencies. Formation and collation of company memorandums and articles of association shall be done in compliance with the Companies Act No 8 of 2009.

How to register
In order to register a Swaziland corporation, you’ll need 2 directors and shareholders (individuals / legal realities).
Reserve a unique company name at the Companies Registry
Originally a unique corporation name has to be reserved in the register, this involves checking from their registers if the name is available and free for use. The author submits a letter to the Registrar of Companies proposing 3 company names. The amount is paid at the Revenue Office This is a process done over the counter at a charged amount of E20.00 (Twenty Emalangeni) outstanding at the profit services. The name shall be reserved for a period of three months. However, a written reply will be given whereupon the council prepares the memorandums and papers of association which will be lodged with the Registrar of Companies services if the name chosen for the Company is free for enrollment. The documents will include:
Memorandums and articles of association
Although entrepreneurs can use the standard forms available for the memorandum and articles of associations, most choose to hire attorneys to ease the process. The counsel’s fees vary between 1,500SZL and 3,000 SZL.
Reservation Operation letter and reply
These are the Government revenue bills for the payment of the company’s name and the enrollment charges.
- Payment receipt of E20.00 for the company name reservation.
Directors’ tax duty clearance documents.
To register a new company, each founder must get an income tax-duty clearance statement.
Directors’ Identity Documents or passports if they’re not of Swazi origin
Upon hiring new staff, the employer must register the workers with the Swaziland National Provident Fund, which provides pension and occupational injury and illness benefits.
A Form J, a form for members’ differences of the corporation will be lodged within 21 days from the date of the corporation of the company, this will be the first Form J for the corporation. The same process will apply to all three types of companies: Private companies, public companies, and non-profit-making companies.
All this will be prepared and submitted in agreement with the Companies Act no 8 of 2009. and any other business of the corporation and its train operation with the Registrar of Companies shall be done in agreement with the right statute.
Swaziland Embassy and Special Envoy Office
Swaziland has its full delegacy in Kuala Lumpur which is also designated for bordering countries including Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh.
HRH Princess Sikhanysio, the main Princess and member of the Royal Advisory Board, Kingdom of Swaziland have especially appointed a “Special Envoy” for Investment Promotion in the Kingdom of Swaziland and his office located in Kuala Lumpur which offers free help for investors from Malaysia, Thailand, China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and the Middle East. You may either get help and business support from the Swaziland High Commission in Kuala Lumpur or through the office of the Special Envoy for Investment Promotion, also located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Swaziland Special Envoy office provides free help for business start-ups.